Improving processes at home.
On August 2018, the Board of the Oregon Public Performance Measurement Association (OPPMA) changed its mission, purpose, and name to better serve state and local government employees and reflect the changing needs of our members. Today, we are the Oregon Public Performance Improvement Association (OPPIA). The Mission of OPPIA is to improve the performance of state and local government in Oregon by inspiring, educating, and supporting public sector employees in their capacity to successfully implement performance best practices. The Purpose of OPPIA is to:
Facilitate a common understanding of performance improvement best practices.
Foster open discussion between public sector employees and Oregon citizens on how to improve government performance.
Provide venues for performance improvement practitioners to share their experience and collaborate on solutions to the performance challenges facing their organizations.
Provide access to information and other resources to enhance organizational performance improvement skills and education.
Offer quality training opportunities relevant to a diverse range of public sector employees and citizens from organizations at all stages of maturity in implementing performance management systems.
To that end, OPPIA provides a newsletter and Lunch-and-Learn presentations (3-4 times a year) and an annual summer conference. To learn more, go to the OPPIA website.