The Changing Times of 2019
2019 brought many changes for the Oregon Oregon Performance Improvement Association (OPPIA) as long-time OPPIA Board Chair officially retires to another awesome opportunity where his skills, aptitude, and untiring commitment are needed. Safe waters to you ahead -- Chad Olsen. Chad will remain in an honorary Past-Chair position for advising if needed.
This vacancy offered up the opportunity to open the chair position. Along with this opportunity came a few serious minded people wanting to jump aboard (or re-engage) into OPPIA open board positions.
This too brought additional changes:
Bringing new people meant on-boarding.
On-boarding brought the need for defining board roles.
Defining board roles, meant document, document, document, and more documenting.
Which required re-organizing our ways of working together and offering additional ways of collaboration due to emails flying this way and that way.
Which also drove us to using more technology to complete these tasks [Google, Slack, online publishing, etc.].
Welcome to our committed Board Member Volunteers!
Board Chair: Victoria Hawley, ODOT
Vice-Chair: Sup Thanasombat, Oregon Housing and Community Services
Treasurer: Gloria Butsch, City of Independence
Secretary: Camille Clark Wallin, Oregon Health Authority
Willie Rhodes, Oregon Youth Authority
Ken Smith
Dawn Farr, ODOT
Brandon Cobb, Oregon Department of Education
Sheila Faulkner, Secretary of State Audits Division